Vision Statement: "Veterans still serving Our Comrades, Our community, Our State, and Our Nation"

Mission Statement: American Legion Post 318 is committed to the support of veterans, active duty military, their families and the Anderson Township Community.

Corporate Definition: American Legion Post 318 is a Not-for-profit Ohio Corporation. Under the Federal Tax code Post 318 is defined as a tax exempt Veterans Organization 501(c) 19.


Organizational Chart

Constitution and By-Laws:



Business Plan:

Business Plan 2022-2023

Business Plan Archives:

Business Plan Archives

Club Room Policy:

Post 318 Club Rm Utilization/Honor Bar/Invited Guest Policy

Post Officers

Commander:Kirk Minnich
Phone #: (513) 594-5339
Officer Responsibilities: The Post Commander is the Chief Executive Officer of the Post. He/she presides over all meetings of the Post and has general supervision over all business and affairs of the Post.Email:
1 st Vice Commander (Membership Chairman):Bob Kamman
Phone #: (513) 545-5237
Officer Responsibilities: The 1 st Vice-Commander shall assume and discharge the duties of the office of Commander in the absence or disability of the Commander. He/she also chairs the Membership Committee.Email:
Committee Responsibilities: The Membership Committee is responsible for obtaining, retaining and increasing the membership of the Post with specific responsibilities for renewals, enrollment of new members, transfers, reinstatements and Post 888.
2 nd Vice Commander (Post Activities Chairman):Tina Sunderhaus
Phone #: (513) 313-1217
Officer Responsibilities: The 2 nd Vice Commander assists the Commander with all duties. He/she should be interested in developing Post activities, and in the entertainment features which mark all meetings. The 2 nd Vice Commander should help to observe strict tolerance among Post members on all political, religious and civic matters. The 2 nd Vice Commander also chairs the Post Activities Committee.Email:
Committee Responsibilities: The Post Activities Committee is responsible for planning, organizing and executing all post sponsored social and community events. It’s also responsible for providing snack and refreshments for all scheduled meetings of the Post and special events.
Adjutant (Internal-External Communications Chairman):Bob Carey
Phone #: (513) 313-7369
Committee Responsibilities: The Internal-External Communications Committee is responsible for developing and delivering, or placing in various media channels, messages that increase awareness of Post 318 programs, projects, and activities, among our membership and the community at large.Email:
Officer Responsibilities: The Adjutant keeps a full and correct record of all Post meetings. He/she also handles all Post correspondences and maintains custody of such all Post correspondences and records. The Adjutant also chairs the Internal / External Communications Committee.
Finance Officer (Finance Committee Chairman):Randy Lindsey
Phone #: (513) 374-2099
Officer Responsibilities: The Finance Officer is responsible for the management and accounting of all Post funds. He/she makes all deposits, and writes all checks against Post funds. The Finance Officer also chairs the Post Finance Committee.Email:
Committee Responsibilities: The Finance Committee is responsible for all aspects of Post finances. This includes but is not limited to; receiving, depositing, accounting, and reporting on all Post funds, disbursements and reimbursements, Post investments, annual budget preparation, keep cost jobs, and tax filings.
Chaplain (VAVS Committee Chairman):Rob Heberly
Phone #: (513) 550-6601
Officer Responsibilities: The Post chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the Post comrades and will offer divine but nonsectarian service in the event of dedications, funerals, public functions, etc.. He/she also chairs the VAVS CommitteeEmail:
Committee Responsibilities: To give comfort and assistance to members and their families when sick or bereaved. To schedule and oversee regular visits to the VA Hospital, or to arrange for VA patients to come to Post 318 to participate in activities, and share a meal with our members. To visit hospitalized, or home bound, veterans and keep track of where Post 318 members may be infirmed. To coordinate Memorial Services (Poppy Services) when requested by the family for one of our members.
Sergeant-at-Arms (Uniformed Ceremony Committee Chairman):Ralph Caskey
Phone #: (513) 470-6588
Officer Responsibilities: The Sergeant-At-Arms shall preserve order at meetings and shall perform such other duties as maybe from time to time assigned by the Post Executive Committee. He/she also chairs the Uniformed Ceremonies CommitteeEmail:
Committee Responsibilities: The Uniformed Ceremony Committee provides a single point of contact, within the post, for the provision of a Post 318 Ceremonial Group. It’s responsible for recruiting, organizing, training, promoting, and supervising a uniform group, such as a color guard or rifle squad for parades and other ceremonial events. It is also responsible for organizing ceremonial events like Memorial Day, 4 th of July and Veterans Day. The committee is also responsible for maintaining and securing all weapons, equipment, and supplies used for the ceremonies provided.
Service Officer (Service & Veterans Affairs Chairman):Charlie Cleves
Phone #: (513) 232-7767
Committee Responsibilities: This committee is responsible for fulfilling several Post administrative needs. It assists veterans in such areas as filing claims, obtaining copies of lost official documents, and the replacement of service medals/ribbons. Furthermore, it assists veterans in securing hospitalization, assisting with on-the-job training needs, pension concerns, searching for employment. In addition it also helps coordinate and facilitate transition for active duty personnel from the immediate area between military and civilian status and assist family members in their absence. It also acts as coordinator with the local Veterans Service Commission, the VA/VA Hospital, and with other service personnel for the betterment of the veteran and to assist veterans in attaining emergency assistance.Email:
Americanism Chairman:Eric Howland
Phone #: (513) 805-5592
Committee Responsibilities: The Americanism Committee acts as a liaison between Post 318 and the Forest Hills School District, its affiliated schools, and McNicholas High School to facilitate the delivery of American Legion programs intended to inspire patriotism and good citizenship through observances, patriotic and civil instruction in schools, Americanization of aliens, information on anti-American propaganda, and youth activities such as Boys State, Girls State, School Award Medals, and other similar school programs.Email:
Bingo Chairman :Ed Sears
Phone #: (513) 373-9133
Committee Responsibilities: This committee is responsible for planning, organizing, and managing the Post 318 “bingo” operations.Email:
Capital Projects Chairman:VACANT
Committee Responsibilities: The role of this committee is Manage Capital Projects. These projects are intended to improve the physical infrastructure of the Post and go beyond what would be considered routine maintenance, which is the domain of the House Committee. This committee will define available options, solicit bids and then make recommendations to the executive committee on how to proceed with a capital improvement. When possible a minimum of two (2) bids should be obtained. It's also the responsibility of the Capital Project Planning Committee to maintain all capital project record.
Community Support Chairman:Vacant
Phone #: TBD
Committee Responsibilities: To act as a liaison between Post 318 and the Anderson Township Government, The Anderson Area Chamber of Commerce and other community organizations to facilitate the delivery of American Legion programs intended to inspire patriotic values. It is also the responsibility of this committee to look for opportunities to support and recognize members of the Anderson Township Community. It is also their responsibility to identify and recognize the community Law Enforcement Officer, Firefighter, Civilian Life Saver, and Eagle Scout who has made a significant difference in the community over the program year.Email:
Event Coordination Chairman:Ken Knight
Phone #: (513) 675-5234
Committee Responsibilities: To market, promote and contract with the public for use of the Patriot Center and other Post facilities, except the Club Room. To coordinate with other Post 318 committees, Post Activities, and Fundraising, to schedule Post events. To own and maintain the Rental Hall calendar.Email:
Fundraising Chairman:Vacant
Phone #: (513) ???-????
Committee Responsibilities: This committee is responsible for planning, organizing, implementing, and managing all Post fund raising activities. It also coordinates with other Post 318 committees, Post Activities, and Events Coordination to determine ownership of new events.Email:
House Committee Chairman:Bob Alfieri
Phone #: (513) 232-0309
Committee Responsibilities: The House Committee manages the operation of the physical facilities of the Post. Its supervision responsibilities include; 1) administrative activities such as inventory of chairs, tables, and other post equipment, 2) post infrastructure equipment (heating, AC, etc.), 3) the physical condition of facilities and grounds, and 4) key control access to the Post. The House Committee is also responsible for insuring all garbage is removed from the building for Tuesday AM pick-up, and supporting Post operations and special events.Email:
Bar ManagerSteve Stuntz
Phone #: (513) 908-9070
Bar Manager Responsibilities: The Bar Manager is responsible for maintaining inventory for the Club Room bar and ordering alcohol supplies for the Club room, Post events and required rental requirements.Email:
Dance ManagerMike Stringer
Phone #: (513) 390-7619
Dance Manager Responsibilities: The Dance manager is responsible for coordinating all dances held within the Post 318 Patriot Center.Email:
Marketing ChairpersonKirk Minnich
Phone #: (513) 594-5339
Marketing committee is for identifying, researching, coordinate, and implementing marketing
strategies to advertise and generate hall rental opportunities, fundraising events, and social activities. It is responsible for identifying, researching and recommending to the EC new revenue
opportunities. Another primary goal of this committee is to optimize the advertising expenses associate with bingo,
fundraising, events, and hall rentals. It is also responsible for all event pricing, except bingo.
Newletter EditorGary Gregorio
Phone #: (513) 307-3824
This person is responsible for gathering, organizing, and producing the Post newsletter.Email: Newsletter@post318.0rg